Jean-Sébastien Wallez's AI portrait

## Jean-Sébastien Wallez
## French Entrepreneur. Product Engineer.
## Catch me on Twitter @jswallez

I design and code top-notch consumer apps
+ try to make the Internet a better place with uncommon ideas


About me

Currently working on Posted, a live package tracker for iOS with 50,000 users and growing.

At 22, I created Noospher, one of the very first e-democracy startup projects in France. I then joined Itesoft-Yooz as CMO, an AP company listed on the Euronext stock exchange.

In 2017, I launched a Messenger's tutoring chatbot called Peter that reached more than half million users. We also developed AR lenses and games that have been played 100 million times and featured during Snap Summit 2019.

When the pandemic hit, I worked for a year on Aria, an app to create professional captioned videos in no time. Then built Dmail, a messaging email client powered by AI.

I occasionally do consulting and invest small tickets in 2-3 startups a year. At the moment, I'm learning SwiftData and how to train tiny models with PyTorch.



Always happy to help.